Friday, September 29, 2006

Make your WIKI today!

Wiki's are education's hot new trend to create documents and pages that multiple people can edit.

Check out pbwiki to make yours this weekend - where they claim it's as easy to make as a peanut butter sandwich. We agree!


Ed Tech uses wikis to post staff assignments and communicate department issues. Some faculty use it for creating class projects. It's fast, it's fun, it's easy - another online community!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Here is a FREE quick way to put up a movie on a website or D2L. Simply go to and follow the directions. Steve and Missy made this in 30 seconds. All you need is a simple webcam hooked up to your computer.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Anonymous Office Hours - Are they for YOU?

Studies have shown that many students don't take advantage of office hours due to anxiety and that most instructors use this time to catch up on paperwork. There are also studies that show students who DO attend office hours are more likely to be successful.

We have discovered a tool developed by Marco Pollanen, a mathematics instructor from Trent University that allows one to hold online office hours - it's called enVision. This format for office hours works well for face to face classes AND online classes. Students can participate anonymously if they choose to.

It is a chat/whiteboard program for writing mathematical equations (more of a drawing program) as well as just plain text in chat mode. It is a java applet (java 1.1, no plug-in needed) that loads into a standard browser. It is FREE and available at (there is currently no sound capability) Don't you LOVE people who share their stuff?

If this looks like something you'd like to download - contact computer services for assistance.