ok - this is pretty exciting! (albeit i must say upfront that it is a project - and therefore subject to change - i.e. eventual charge.... but for now...free free free.)
Jing is a downloadable piece of software (sorry - this means no, you can't use it on your imaged computer - but IT is looking into it) try it at home - it's very slick and easy to use.
Jing works similarly to captivate, snag-it, camtasia - and other screen capturing software. It allows you to capture images of your screen OR capture movies of you working on your desktop in any application and immediately allows you to share them by providing a URL link to your users (students, co-workers, friends). The images/videos live on their server - making the permanence factor a little ambiguous. Check it out - if nothing else - it's great experience getting used to this type of software.
here is a sample i prepared in just a few seconds:
here is where you can find out more information: