What is all the hubbub about MP3s, and why should I use them in my class? MP3s use the third audio layer of the MPEG (moving pictures expert group) compression standard, thus the name. This compression removes much of the extra audio information and frequencies that your ear can't hear and delivers a file that is 1/12 the size of equivalent audio. What this means for you and your students is fast upload and download of audio files to your D2L site for Distance Ed. classes, as well as "Web Enhanced" classes.
RCTC's Educational Technology Department has purchased SonyMP3 recorders for check-out. MP3 file creation is a snap, as you record your lecture or review, connect the recorder to your computer, and upload the audio files to your D2L class. It's just another way the Educational Technology Department can help you reach your learners. To learn more, stop down to the Educational Technology Department, or visit us during one of our Technology Showcases.
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