Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Jet Audio

JetAudio Basic is a relatively new free program that plays and converts multiple audio and video file formats. This conversion ability is especially important when you want to compress and “shrink” the size of your files for upload to your course web site. It comes with an audio CD burning utility, an equalizer, and a utility for tagging and renaming your mp3 files. Its customizable interface allows you to change the skin on the player and make adjustment to suite your tastes. For the music lover in you, there is even a database with lyrics to many songs. It also has an alarm clock – a feature that may be nice to have, but doesn’t really fit in with the other features. (Be careful when you download to not designate it as your default player, unless that is your intent. )

For more information on this free utility, navigate to: http://www.jetaudio.com/products/jetaudio/


Skype is a phone call via your computer. Very easy to set up - you'll need a computer, internet access and a microphone. If your computer has a built in video camera or if all parties have a webcam - you can video chat as well.

Go to skype.com to download their free software.


Here is a tutorial showing you step by step how to get started:


Friday, January 14, 2011


Have you ever wanted to use just a portion of a youtube video in your presentation? Enter SNIP SNIP! Simply enter the URL of the youtube - then the timeline you'd like to snip out. Instant new embed code - that allows you to show only the portion you need!

Here's how:

Monday, November 08, 2010


Looking for a fun way to help students prepare for a test? Ed Tech has a Jeopardy system including a large format screen and 3 interactive buzzers and a scoring console. Jim Stegge, professor of Biology shown here, piloted the “Classroom Jeopardy” system to assist his students in their review for an upcoming lab test.

“It only took about 20 minutes to fill in the answers and questions for the game,” said Stegge, who chose to do a single round of Jeopardy as well as final Jeopardy for his class.

If you are interested in incorporating Classroom Jeopardy into your class,this system is available for check out. You can upgrade current Powerpoint Jeopardy to the new system as well. If you are interested, and want assistance,contact Guy Hamernik in Educational Technology to get started.

Provided by website-hit-counters.com site.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Meebo - A live chat widget

This week we are featuring Deb Vang, our new online advisor, and how we have incorporated a live chat widget into the online advisor webpage. This widget indicates to the enduser when you are on or offline. If you are online, they can start an instant chat with you.

Any online instructor could replicate this either on a department webpage, or D2L to host live chats in an area students visit often.

You simply set up a free account at meebo.com and follow the "get started" instructions. Within minutes, you'll have created your own widget.

Here's what Deb's looks like:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cool Iris

Cooliris (www.cooliris.com) is a web browser plug-in that allows the user to dynamically organize web-based images and movies. In addition, it's a handy tool to organize your personal or departmental images and multimedia. Cooliris integrates with popular web social networks such as Facebook and Youtube, and allows you to subscribe to video channels from your favorite networks, cable, and video sites (such as HULU.) All of this is provided in a fun, high-tech interface. Cooliris may even speed your searches for media! To experience Cooliris, watch the following movie:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Evaluating with Audio/Video

Need a new twist to correcting papers?


Shout out to Melissa Houghton for the request!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

National Archives Experience

DON'T CLICK on the following link unless you have a lot of time - you will be hooked for hours! The link will take you to the National Archives Experience. Choose from thousands of starting topics, and a host of related topics to view and read will surround your topic. Drag something else into the middle and you'll view a new set of relationships. Creat your own pathways and customize for class activies.
Not only is the material presented worthy of a look, but the genius in presentation is something to behold. This could lead to amazing teaching and learning.
Don't miss this one!