Thursday, July 27, 2006

PDFs - the nuts and bolts

Here's a great overview of PDF creation. How, when and why to create PDFs from documents vs. html. Written by Leslie Fisher

click here for handout

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Be sure to check out the 2 new programs at RCTC.

Smarthinking - An online tutoring service for ALL RCTC students. Each student receives up to 10 hours of free time with an online tutor. The services range from live tutoring to submitting papers for review. Read all about it on the ET website.

TurnitIN - An anti plagiarism software available to faculty and students. Faculty you can set up an account to submit your student work - or/and you can establish class accounts so your student's can also self submit. Their are detailed handouts available on the edtech website.

Please call our department for additional information and/or to request a training time.

Monday, July 24, 2006

What is Skype?

What is Skype?

(from their website) "Skype is a free program that uses the latest
technology to bring affordable and high-quality voice communications to
people all over the world."

It is a way to make free phone calls over
the internet. Just plug a microphone into your computer and use the
easy-to-install Skype program to call other computer users or regular
phone lines and cells.

If you use a webcam you are able to make a video
call for free.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Welcome to the Ed Tech Blog

A blog is a journal of sorts. It's free, accessible to anyone with access to the internet and a place to post news and information that is important (or not.)

Think of how this might be used in the classroom - It's where students are spending their time - meet them on their turf.

Check back here often for trends in technology in the classroom and specifically what is happening with technology at RCTC.

To create your own blog - go to:

happy blogging!